List Of Experiments

1-Refraction of light !!! Water experiment with fish. !!!

2-Acid + Base Reaction !!! Fizz Inflator

3-Soap and pepper Experiment !!!

4-Air takes up space !!

5-Air has weight !! Fun Experiment with balloons

6-Air is required for burning.

7-Water fountain !!! Colourful water fountain

8-Amazing needle that floats. !!! Surface Tension .

9-Stunning superfast boat !! Amazing Experiment with camphor !! Surface Tension !!

10-Conductivity of electricity in water and salt water !!!

11-Electro Magnetism !!!

12-Carbon dioxide prevents combustion !!! Fun Experiment ?

13-Forever flying kite !!!

14-The Magic of diffusion !!!

15-Magical Magnetic Effect !!!

16-Miraculous Apical meristem !!! SAM & RAM

17-Dynamic Electric Motor !!!

18-Floating eggs !!! Cool Density Effect.

19-Which is the best conductor of heat !!! How different materials conduct heat differently.

20-Secret invisible ink !!! Fun Experiment !!!

21-Conduction of water in the plants through stem !!!

22-Asexual reproduction in potatoes !!! Vegetative propagation

23-Economical Earthquake Sensor !!! Working model for school project !!!

24-Cool Summer Fan !!!

25-Turmeric Indicator !!! Acid and Bases

26-Valentine Day special

27-Air Powered Vehicle !!!

28-Conduction of Heat !!! Heat transfer

29-Laser Microscope !!!

30-Buoyancy !!!! Oranges can float and sink !!!!!

31-Disco Laser light !!

32-Density !!! Game of Density

33-Skeleton of Leaves !!! Fun way to make skeleton of a leaf at home

34-Lungs Working Model !!! Fun and easy way to make the model of lungs at home

35-Candle Vaccum Experiment !!!

36-Steam Engine Boat !!!

37-Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection !!!

38-Mystical Bubble Film !!

39-Rain Detecting Sensor !!!

40-Motor Driven Vehicle !!!

41 Water !!! Capillary action !!! Water that walks

42-Sundial !!! Simple Time Device

43-Rising Warm Air !!!

44-Volcano Eruption Experiment !!! Fun activity to do at home

45-Magic with balloons !! Miraculous balloon that doesn’t burst

46-Exploding Hydrogen Balloon !! Flying Balloon

47-Water Wheel !! Make your own water wheel at home


“Safety is a priority with every science experiment. Before conducting any of the experiments found on Innovative Amazing Science.You must seek an adult’s permission and help. Always wear your safety gear. This may include goggles,  aprons, gloves, and more. Keep your work area tidy and clean up any spills, including water, on the floor.  Work defensively”!

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6 thoughts on “List Of Experiments

  1. Indeed it’s really amazing to watch such innovative videos. Hats off ma’am. Thank you for sharing all links on one page.

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